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Schedule an Author Visit
for your school TODAY!

Information about Books to Kids sponsored author visits....


Authors Available for School Visits

Click on your interested author from the list below to find out more details about

hosting them for a visit. 


Free School Visits

These authors visits are graciously supported by the publisher and are provided at no cost to the schools. Publishers cover the speaking fees as well as travel and lodging expenses for the touring author in order to provide more accessibility to the schools.


In order to support these tours and continue to have the ability to offer them at no cost, we ask that you provide:

Pre-orders to the students leading up to the author visit

(Books to Kids, Inc. will provide a digital link for online credit/debit pre-orders as well as a printable order form for cash/check pre-orders)


A table for book sales at the event.


Post orders for a period of one week following the event.


A Books to Kids rep is available to visit the school in preparation for the author's visit to explain the ordering process to faculty and/or students, or to read to students from the featured title and answer questions about the book and/or author. These visits are flexible and can be arranged to work with the school's schedule and need.

Please contact for more information.


Find out more about these authors and their requirements by clicking their name and book photo below. 

Author Visits with Fees



Find out more about these authors and their requirements by clicking their name and book photo below. 

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